It is that time of year again to renew your insurance coverage. It takes many hours to research companies, types of insurance and the nuts and bolts of what type of policy you might need. You may decide to take the easy route and just renew with your present agent. Is that agent an independent agent or do you even know what that may be or why it is a very big advantage to give your business to an independent agent?
If you find that you are unhappy with the price, service or coverage from your current provider, it is most likely you do not have the time or energy needed to research the full cost benefit of your current plan. If, however, you are ready for a change there are many benefits to doing business with an independent agent.
Many people give their business to a captive agent like Allstate or State Farm. These companies do not give you the choices independent agents do. Independent agents are not pressured to meet high quotas or push certain products. They have the choice of multiple products to choose from and work hard to find the one that fits your specific need. He or she is not faced with dealing with conflicting interests from serving two masters. The bottom line is he works for you, not for the insurance company.
Wouldn't you prefer to do business with specialists that are there to meet your needs with multiple options, instead of pushing limited products to meet quotas?
Please contact us at our Venice office at 941-493-1583 or North Port office at 941-429-8801 for any further information.
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